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Booking Now Open

We are delighted that booking is now open for the King Clinic ‘Introduction to Communications and Marketing’ course on Tuesday 2nd November from 8.30am until 10.30am at WIN in Newry.

Click on the link below to book.

This is a great opportunity to take a deep dive into your communications and marketing tactics to make sure they are aligned to your business objectives.

· Are you on TikTok because everyone else is, or because that’s where your customers are?

· Are you putting all your efforts into one channel without understanding the difference between paid for, earned and owned media?

· Do you know who your competitors are and why you are different?

· Maybe you are using tactic after tactic without any strategy which is costing you time and money, yet you can’t see results?

This course will help you to understand the basic planning tools behind marketing and communication campaigns, in ways which are easy to understand and implement.

Each organisation will be asked to identify its current marketing and communication challenges and we will take a strategic look at how you can try to overcome these.

Each participant in this small group setting should come away with the tools to define:

· Who they are and why they are different from their competitors

· The tools to build a strategic plan

· The ability to identify the different elements of the marketing mix, the pros and cons and associated costs

· The capability to develop a marketing or communications plan and some tactics and ideas in terms of how to implement this

It’s going to be a busy one. To book your place please log onto: Book Now

(Spaces are limited due to the nature of the session and Covid Restrictions)

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