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King Communication Officially Launched

Today is the ‘official’ start day of King Communication. It is really only a date in the diary but one that for me is important to have as I set goals and milestones for the time ahead.

Over the past months setting up the business I have learned some very valuable lessons. The first one is family come first. I maybe didn’t appreciate it before but family and those that really love you are the ones who you can rely on. I know without our family, as working parents we couldn’t do our jobs. I look at my daughters now running around with toy phones pretending to book in sessions with clients for me and getting a much better understanding of what I do, is priceless for their future work ethic. Although my oldest daughter thinks the solution to everything is to put on an American accent and say ‘ we’ll get you on TV’ …we are going to have to work on the strategy bit a little more.

The second lesson for me is the importance of your network. I hadn’t really thought about this but I have been building up to starting my own business right from the start of my career. I have got involved in the business community; I have put myself in situations where I was out of my depth but determined to hold my own. I have tried to help people where I can and help promote our local economy at every opportunity.

This does come back to you; I have had people I have crossed paths with over many years come back into my working life again. I have been very fortunate to have clients choosing to work with me rather than having to go looking; and I have had fantastic people who are much more experienced in business than me willing to share their knowledge and expertise to help me on my way.

We all have our faults; I could rhyme many of mine off to you. I have made many mistakes but at the end of the day if you generally treat people well, with respect and dignity people will show you the same respect back.

I am delighted that I am starting King Communication with a fantastic list of clients, the type of people who share my same values and ethics, people who believe in clear, strategic communications. I look forward to delivering successful results for them and others in the weeks and months ahead.

My third lesson is connected, it is about knowing what your own values are, knowing what is important to you. I am working on my value set at the moment and I will talk more about this in the coming weeks. It is so important for a business to have values, values they truly believe in and values that actually mean something. It is also important to communicate these to employees so everyone is working to the same set of principles. This is something I am passionate about supporting businesses with. I have seen values done very well and values done very badly. I have written a first piece about this on the website and I know it is a topic I will return to many times in the future.

Finally for me while I am a relatively confident person, starting out on a journey like this is always daunting. You must deal with your own self doubt before you can really help others. I want to under promise and over deliver. My business operates on reputation and for that I need to have confidence in my own ability but more importantly the confidence to admit to a client when something isn’t working. Sometimes in our industry people lose sight of the strategy and they are so busy selling a product they forget about solving the problem.

I am excited for the future. Despite the bleak economic outlook there are fantastic good news stories out there. I think we have a lot to offer in this locality, I think it is important to work together rather than in silos. My network has given me the confidence to do what I am doing. Your network, be that family, friends or business acquaintances can help you to achieve whatever your goals are in life.

I recently found a sheet of paper where I was setting goals for myself back in October last year. I had no idea Covid was coming, I had no idea what 2020 was going to bring for us all. It said ‘Start my own business by the time I am 40’- I turn 39 tomorrow.

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