This week we at least have certainty around the lifting of the localised restrictions. There is a significant responsibility now on individuals and businesses to make sure this is a safe reopening and that we don’t end up back at square one in a couple of weeks. It certainly appears from listening to Robin Swann, there was no clear agreement on a way forward, it was a compromise. One which the Health Minister or indeed politicians from the Republic of Ireland do not appear enamoured with.
The key is to make sure that we don’t think this is a ticket to a ‘free for all’- this is not a return to normality by any stretch. It is an opportunity to at least get our business sector operational again and a cautious attempt a creating some sort of economic return for the last stretch of the year.
The key for me here is that we all need to take responsibility. We need to help our businesses to stay open. With a glimmer of hope of a vaccine hopefully, while remembering all those who have lost their lives to this terrible virus, we can put COVID-19 behind us sometime next year and start properly living again.
I had the pleasure of virtually attending last week’s launch of Newry Mourne and Down’s Regenerations Strategy. It was a great event, well put together and excellent speakers. I haven’t had an opportunity to read the full document in detail yet, but it is available to download on the Council’s website. The key themes of business, education and investment are, in my view, exactly what we should be focusing on. We need to see investment in our area and continuous improvement in services to support our economy.
We need to see a continued focus on education. We are extremely lucky with our fabulous schools and Southern Regional College. Matching skills set to careers through schemes like Higher Level Apprenticeships is going to help us to create a workforce for the future.
We need to support our indigenous businesses. I mentioned before that I do some work with Newry BID- this entity is coming up for revote in March 2021 and I believe it would be a travesty if it was lost. BID along with many other organisations provide an essential role in our city centre. My hope is that the Regeneration Strategy, when I read it in detail, brings all this together and more importantly brings people together.
It is far too easy as I’ve said before to stand on the shore and throw stones. We, more than ever need to work together; to trust each other; and to communicate; to ensure that Newry and the surrounding towns and villages are places that our children want to live, work and do business in.
This week is Enterprise Week. NMD and partners are running a full programme of virtual events. Please do check out the details on social media if you haven’t had an opportunity to join a session yet. They are completely free. There are some fantastic sessions across the remainder of the week including from Intertrade Ireland on Brexit, Business Planning for Tourism Businesses from PKFFPM and sessions from Southern Regional College. King Communication is delivering one tomorrow (Thursday 19th) on ‘Why Strategic Communication is important in a Growing Business’. Please check out to register for this or any of the remaining events.
Finally I was sad to hear that for obvious reasons the Newry Christmas Charity Dinner is not going ahead this year. I have been involved in the event for many years through Newry Chamber who did much of the background work for this event. I am however delighted that the Christmas Charity Committee are working to ensure that children and families in our area will not go without this Christmas.

A gofundme page has been set up and there’s also an opportunity to contribute to the famous Toy Mountain which will be displayed in the Canal Court Hotel. Drop off points for unwrapped toys are: Cahill Bros, Newry Reporter Office, Jack Murphy Jewellers, Bradley Estate Agents Newry, Rostrevor and Warrenpoint, The Quays Shopping Centre (Customer Services Desk) and CDGM Group, Carnbane Business Park. You can also order toys online and have them delivered directly to CGDM Group Ltd, Unit 1, 20 Derryboy Road, Carnbane Business Park, Newry, BT35 6QH. Please give if you can.